Thursday, May 22, 2008

New in the family!

Well, actually I kidnapped them from someone I know and they let me have it? Haha. They are Kello and Mello. I took the pictures after their shower day. Smell nice and all clean. White and
fluffy. Its been a while that I'm petless since I've lost my little Blackookie. Gosh, I miss her. She was my bestfriend. So, what she's a cat? At least she doesn't stab me in the back or something, unlike you. Yeah, you. Anyway, this two cute guys (ehh, both of them are male ya?) is oh-so-cute and super active and extremely playful. I'm gonna miss them when I'm away soon to college. They are like my little children. Haha. I love them sooooooooo much! Muaxx! :]

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