Friday, June 20, 2008


*Ok, here's the dealio, I am single with 'a-never-had-a-bf-before' status. Does that makes me a loser? Hmmm, maybe, maybe not. I'm happy with myself. I'm still a loser? Heh.*

It got me thinking again. BOYS. What would it be, well, how would I be if I have a boyfriend? What would my boyfriend be? Will my parents approve? I did wonder though, what sort of a guy that my father would ever get along with? I mean, not that I care but he's going to be the witnesses of my marriage. He has that power above all. Will they ever get along? I might as well be marrying a freak. Haha.

I have this unusual thoughts of my boyfriend or a husband. Not so soon, eh? What I want is someone that exquisite, not just on face, although that will definitely be a plus but more to the man himself. He doesn't have to play sport or be the man of the man, if he just be the real him, it will be good enough for me. Some say guys like it straight forward but I think a little game of thoughts wouldn't hurt. I like guys who like to play along. What could be heavenly than that? Maybe a little danger too wouldn't cut short your life off. Just don't get yourself killed.

I really won't go for the typical male whose showing material things and have a killer fashion sense. Dress to kill or die? Do you really have to wear those ridiculous large glasses like you're going to pose with it on the a red carpet? Please.....but that doesn't mean I would go for someone who is a fashion victim either. Trend or not trend, for real?

I was thinking, a simple pair of wash out jeans, a sleeve shirt under a hoodie. Pair of sneakers or canvas shoes and sweet attitude. Works for me. Such a nice view. Or a nice suits. Simple and breath-taking. But no. Sadly, men these days, dress more than us girls. I do feel ashamed sometimes. Well, now,now, don't we just got it carried away? Hmmm, don't get offended, its only just one girl opinion. if you agree, high 5! :]

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