Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Books, endless questions and glasses Part I

‘We got close by Twilight, falling apart by New Moon through Eclipse and Breaking Dawn brought us back together.’

You might have been wondering what this is about. Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. These are actually a book series that was written by an arising author, Stephanie Meyer. These are also my favourite books of all time. But I am not going to talk about those books but this is a story of a beautiful friendship that starts and ends and starts over again by those books. Thank you, Steph!

Twilight. The first book of the series. It should be just like any other typical books or novels but for me, it was a little bit more than that. It was not just about the good story that the book carries but it was also because of this one particular book, it brought two friends together who share things in common. I love books and so does she. It is like having a book club and I can talk whatever about the book with her because we both know the book by our hearts. In fact, I can talk to her almost about everything and I am really enjoyed having conversations with her. It was almost the same as when you making a joke and people would laugh at your joke. Something like that.

Then the New Moon was published. It was because of this book that has taken the big toll on the friendship that was newly built and ruined everything. Well, it was not entirely the book’s fault, it was me who cannot control my own feelings. It goes out like this, the day before the disaster happened, I was so pissed off for not be able to buy that book. It was already in my arms and ready to be paid but someone took that happiness away from me. I cried a thousand tears when I reached home and carried the same pissed off feelings at school on the next day. I was literally emotionally disturb and became very aggressive that day. I did not talk to anyone because I was so angry and sad. She noticed that I did not talk to her on that day and probably she feels abandoned. In this part of the destruction, it is rather complicated because it's involving the matter of hearts and feelings. It is hard to be described, to be put on the paper and to make a story. But in the end, the destruction accomplished. She and I are not friends anymore and you could say it was kinda worst, sworn enemies? Maybe.

Eclipse. Done nothing in particular. So, lets leave it to that.

Ahhh, our most favorite book of all. The last book, Breaking Dawn. The finale of the story, where Bella finally found her true happiness and who could have thought, after all her near-to-death experiences, she finally got what she always wanted. And with the happy ending of the book, we both worked out our misunderstanding and end up with a happy ending as well. Who could have thought, no? I’ve found her through the crowd and lost her in the oddest way that I couldn’t ever imagine of losing a friend and I got her back in a way of similar. Life does works in the strangest ways. It never occurred to me that I would ever talk to her again. All I could think of was my ravage nonsense anger towards her like she has taken something away from me. Of course, when you think about someone, whether they are good or bad, it’s a mix of thinking what it could have been if….. Well, what done is done and none can’t undo it. I have to say that I’m glad. That does sounds dysfunctional but really, books, either their physical matter or the contents, does help people see through their lives and literally show them what they are missing. I did. We both did and now, we are having the most beautiful moments of life together as a friend. A best of friends of the blue sky and the white cloud. A perfect combination. :]

1 comment:

daya.ashburn said...

i can't believe u even put this here. w.O.W. HAHA. well, hmm, breaking dawn. i get it for you, so it makes up for the new moon lost. ahha. sworn enemies is wrong. you're the one who tot dat way i think. i never did. wekkk.