Monday, April 13, 2009

I'm in love with my dad.

weyy, hoho. it's been awhile since the last time. busy, busy art/english/bahasa teacher! heh. i am currently busy with ujian amali seni visual, yeah, messing up with acrylic, oil paint on canvas...big deal...4meh!! can't wait to finally paint on canvas though i would be evaluate to do so by outside lecturers. yikes! wish me luck!

oh, the tittle huh? what the heck? it's nothing. my dad did something unexpectedly funny. 4 me laa... he just replied i love you too! in his sms to me. yeahh...cliche? but this time, it was different. not that i hate him, i just didnt love him enuf than i shud. but now, it seems that, i am matured enuf to love him, to see him as my dad. that sms practically made me smiled a huge smile the whole day tru. i feel like crying pon ade, touched. hahaha. isn't weird? a father saying i love you too to his daughter shud be common, butttt...not 4 me. my case was different. i feel a little child discovering new things. ok, this might be something biase je 4 you but 4 me, its a huge thing. no, i am not emotionally abused or whatever those kind of abusive act, it's rather a long story. or there was no story after all.

i guess he's a guy and guys is complex? ohhh, i wonder how if im in love with a guy? haha, still single meh and never been in love pon. so, it would be a new thing again 4 me. why oh why? unlucky? i don't think so. i think im going to love that i get a chance to experience love at a matured age. why not? who said you can't be funny, childish or playful at an older age than 17? i am all that and still are and will be...always. plus the seriousness and maturity, love will be beautiful. im looking 4 the 1st and the last. if that is impossible, then offer me forever, i will be true. i have no desire to play around, no time laaa.... hahaha, ok. dah la tu kan. love cease to be beautiful when it cease to be a secret. please, suprise me... :]


Narrator said...

lol min!
first of all...good luck with the whole 'being-evaluate-by-outside-lecturers-painting-on-canvas' thing!

About ur dad...since I know the story (yes, there's a story that I knew XD) I guess it's something you would be excited for XP.

Anyway, you sounds do the best in whatever you're doing and going to DO!

Shamim Hashim said...

wow. this is good :D u always against him je on previous entry. haaha. keep that bonding uP! hahah

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!